Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

If you look into Evan Urquhart's background you'll find she has despised women since she's been a child, which she boasts about in one of her Slate articles. She uses her job at Slate to promulgate lies - as she did in the instance of of the Wii Spa implying that the whole incident was a hoax. See Below: For a very shortened version of her articles. Refer to links for full story.



Outward, A Lesbian Dilemma: All My Heroes Are Men Who Hated Women

By Evan Urquhart, Dec 15, 2014

When I was a young girl, my heroes were all men who hated women. This was before I was a butch (a bookish nerd, my style back then could best be described as slovenly androgynous), and before I knew I was gay, though not before I realized I was different. I never felt I was a boy—I’m not transgender—but, for whatever reason, the personalities I modeled my young self after were male ones. Intellectual man’s man types, to be specific. Larger-than-life dudebros, like Ernest Hemingway or Christopher Hitchens. I imagined myself growing up to be an overbearing, ruthless lawyer like Jack McCoy, aka Sam Waterston’s character on Law & Order, or an angry writer denouncing idiocy wherever I found it (and finding it everywhere) like Kurt Vonnegut. Because the superiority of male people over female ones was all but unquestioned in Western culture through the mid-20th century, this meant they also tended to be the men who considered femininity to be roughly synonymous with weakness and stupidity.

To some extent, this would be true for anyone who took famous men as role models. But my fondness for sexists went far beyond mere coincidence. The sorts of guys I idolized were those least likely to be sensitive to their own sexist impulses, because what I liked best about them was that they weren’t “sensitive” to anything. Competitive, casually self-assured men. Men who were certain they were superior to everyone else and held to the superiority of men over women as an unconsidered corollary. Men who considered their loudmouthed obnoxiousness to be an asset or, at worst, a minor character flaw. That’s the sort of person my young self-imagined growing into, until I realized I was actually a woman—which meant assuming that kind of personality would present a problem.

When I say I realized this, I don’t mean to imply I had a sudden, startling revelation about my femaleness. I’d always understood I was a she, and I never wanted to be otherwise. And yet somehow I was convinced that the disparaging things my male heroes said about women didn’t apply to me, not because they were untrue about females generally, but because I must not be the sort of female they were talking about. Being a strange kid helped—I had the overdeveloped intellect and underdeveloped social skills that precocious children of all genders seem to share. Since I was comfortable with being different, the masculine aspects of my personality were one more oddity among many. These oddities allowed me to nod comfortably along with sections of a novel where the author paused a moment to explain that women were like such-and-so, and then got back to the important parts, which had men in them.

For instance: “The women all had big minds, because they were big animals, but they did not use them much for this reason: unusual ideas could make enemies, and the women, if they were going to achieve any sort of comfort and safety, needed all the friends they could get.” That’s from Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut, which I read in sixth grade, along with Jailbird and The Sirens of Titan. I thought Kurt Vonnegut was the greatest, that I’d grow up to be just like him, and that he was totally right about women (who seemed to be way dumber than my buddy Kurt and I were).



Violence Over an Alleged Transphobic Hoax Shows the Danger of Underestimating Anti-Trans Hate

Police reportedly suspect the viral L.A. Wi Spa video is fake—but it still got two people stabbed.. By Evan Urquhart, July 09, 20214:12 PM

A locker room at an upscale spa. The sort of locker room trans women have every right to be in.

On July 3, an anti-transgender protest outside a Los Angeles spa resulted in two stabbings—all over a social media post that police are now treating as a hoax. Back on June 24, a user called cubanangel posted a video on Instagram showing her and at least two other women confronting a staff member at Wi Spa on Wilshire Boulevard in Koreatown about having seen “a man with a penis” in the women’s changing area. “I’m recording this because I’m gonna make a big deal. I’m gonna take this very worldwide,” she explains, kicking off four minutes berating the staff member over the queer-friendly spa’s nondiscrimination policy.

Soon after the video began to go viral in transphobic corners of the internet, members of the trans community began to raise questions about it—chief among them why the video cuts out as the woman marches downstairs to confront this person she’s allegedly seen, conveniently ending before the trans woman she’s so angry about is shown. The woman also repeatedly mentions children being exposed to a penis, while no children appear on the video and the group don’t appear to have any children with them. These early doubts have been bolstered by reporting from the Los Angeles Blade that police suspect a hoax after failing to find witnesses who saw a trans woman at the spa, and that Wi Spa claims none of their trans clients had scheduled appointments that day.

. Perhaps this is why outrage over the possibility that a trans woman may have changed her clothes in the appropriate facilities grew and grew, culminating in the protest outside Wi Spa, which included a contingent of violent extremists from the far right. The two stabbing victims were attacked by an anti-trans protester: One was a counterprotester; the other apparently a “friendly stab” incident where a fellow protester was hit by mistake.

Anti-trans activism is often thought of as a sideshow or a distraction, but these events show the real dangers of an increasingly extremist anti-trans backlash.

Update, Aug. 2, 2021: On July 30, Los Angeles Magazine reported that five women, including the one who initially posted the Wi Spa video, have filed police reports alleging to have witnessed “male genitals” exposed in the women’s section of the spa on June 23. This does not contradict previous reporting by the Los Angeles Blade that LAPD sources suspected the incident to have been a hoax.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

I was looking for a repository of clever and respectable arguments from diligent researchers on this issue. So I would like to say, thank you for compiling one Evan Urquhart!

I felt like I had read everything and now I have been provided with an indexed library. This will look VERY interesting on the internet archive in 20 years!

And further Evan, just keep speaking, the world is peaking!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

How do I go about getting myself on the list?

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology


Violence Over an Alleged Transphobic Hoax Shows the Danger of Underestimating Anti-Trans Hate

Police reportedly suspect the viral L.A. Wi Spa video is fake—but it still got two people stabbed.. By Evan Urquhart, July 09, 20214:12 PM

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Peter Thiel's blood boy?https://reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/s/oL4mqoJHvt



Miami police plan to interview Thiel as part of probe into the sudden death of Jeff Thomas, a model and social media influencer, sources said. By Ryan Grim

March 23 2023.

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"[T]his is a highly financed globalist agenda engineered to manufacture social consent . . ."

This is where I get off the bus. The emperor has no clothes. It's as true for conspiracy theories about a "highly financed globalist agenda engineered to manufacture social consent" as it is for the belief in something called a gender identity.

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Bilek looks like something of a crank so admiration for her casts shade onto the article

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The article starts well but admiration for Bilek who seems something of a Crank undermines the authors credentials. As a result I can't share.

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