Nov 28, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

It is absolutely terrifying how entire societies can be brainwashed into a self-harming cult, mainly on the basis of "being kind" to delusional men with sexual fetishes. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/how-to-establish-a-new-reality-aka

For these men, women are only an audience for their self-perceived awesomeness and even babies are but props for their performance art lives.

"Disgust is an emotional response of rejection or revulsion to something potentially contagious or something considered offensive, distasteful or unpleasant. I think this is a huge reason why most people do not think that men should be breastfeeding." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/girls-can-do-anything-but-sorry-boys

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Women have every right to be repulsed by open male perverts who get off on broadcasting their degeneracy. We're right (evolutionarily and morally) to communicate our disgust, and these men are lucky that we don't resort to other means (though we probably should).

The fact that males are truly baffled when we call out their stupid, disgusting behavior, judge them, and then draw boundaries they're told not to cross, really speaks volumes to the lack of male shame. This is why there is a major problem in the first place. I have every right to communicate my disgust at a degenerate like Phil Illy at an event for Genspect (Troonspect). He should be ashamed of himself, and Troonspect as an organization cannot solve any problems if it continues to operate as it has. This organization purports to help young people. It cannot allow open perverts to advertise at its organizations and continue to claim that.

Keep up the great work, Ms. Sousa!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

There is a post on X from Aja the Empress @Aja02537920 about this headed “AGP or GNC”, which I think is helpful in relation to this blogpost by Amy. It is https://x.com/Aja02537920/status/1727745772970471686?s=20

Aja said: “The men in the top line make me feel uncomfortable. The men in the bottom line do not.”

I see what she means. The guys on the bottom row are fashion models who are being men. They are expanding manhood, not trying to opt out, and they look quite sexy, some of them, even to me, who identifies as a cishet bloke! But they are not role-playing being women, which is what the men on the top row are doing. These are autogynephiles (AGPs) and it’s a sexual fetish.

It's apparent to me that the so-called Trans Umbrella shelters lots of different types of people who don’t necessarily have a lot in common, the most glaring distinction being older male AGPs on the one hand and teenage girls with ROGD on the other.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Thank you for posting this piece, it's very interesting, uncompromising and logical based on the powerful unconscious and conscious urge and mechanisms we have to protect ourselves. For example, we all make judgements, multiple judgements to tell us whether we are safe or can trust the other person(s). I doubt that can be suppressed, but we can intentionally disregard it, as you point out, this happens all the time when men put pressure on women, on the basis of non-judgememtalism of a moral kind, to enable and also validate predatory, exhibitionist behaviour. No, women should not be doing this. If men don't want to confine their sexual behaviours to an appropriate environment, then they should be charged accordingly, it is a form of sexual.abuse.

Women's safety and feeling of being safe should not be sacrificed so some man can get off. I recall reading an interview with Grayson Perry where he explained that he wore expansive dresses whilst portraying that grotesque, painted 'girl' was to conceal his erection. That might seem mild compared to what some men do, but it's definitely cringeworthy. Nevertheless, he feels able to share it because he and men like him think it's fine to disclose information like that, nothing is going to happen to them as a consequence. He can do what he wants, just like men who rub their knobs on lavatory door handles that women will be touching, then put the information on social media. These appalling men plumb the depths of inadequacy.

All in the safety of pretending they believe they're women, where people who could prevent them from being in women's spaces, are falling over themselves to ensure they can enter our spaces on their conditions. The space has been given over to them, men in this position aren't going to hesitate to please themselves whatever that does to women and children.

Point this out or express the slightest reservation and you're a bigot, a hater, a transphobe. You definitely don't want trans people to have human rights and you might even wish genocide on them.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Men and women alike (though mostly men) have often expressed their disgust towards my lack of engagement in feminine beauty rituals such as leg shaving and makeup. Is this an evolutionarily adaptive disgust impulse, and do you think it is one they ought to listen to and express?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

I’ve commented other forums on the sad clown devil in a blue dress (so to speak) that poisoned the well a bit at the Genuflect event - why is it these men dress like hookers? Good article here, and while I’ve never been disgusted by these sex games - and make no mistake that’s all they are - it’s still surprising that the general reaction was of not wanting to offend the offender. I’ve been a very active gay man for over 45 years, and “seen it all twice”, and a man on the prowl for a sex games is like a flashing neon sign to me. I know a genderfuck when I see one. The offense is the point BTW.

The casual shabbinesss of the hooker clothing, the mietennes in the wrong color (look it up), bad makeup, the panoply of cliches playing a specific role in a specific game, intentionally inducing the jarring repulsiveness of contaminated professional circumstances. There’s a reason it’s called getting your freak on.

Gay men feel it too, by the way. A gay male venue invaded briefly by women on a bachelorette night out, clearly enjoying the discomfort of men shy of affection in front of the opposite sex, too polite to ask the women to tone it down. Wrong place at the wrong time, routine in the Castro in SF.

Wrong place at the wrong time.

Is there a right place, right time? Folsom Leather Fetish weekend. Burning Man. Fantasy Fest Key West: you could go every week to a fetish event without difficulty. But! The crowds are not put off, not offended. The desired reaction isn’t achieved, the game fails. You can’t offend offenders.

I hope Genuflect understands that it’s normal to ask people in full kink mode to leave or change attire. Friday Casual is fine, a man in women’s clothing will be strangely unremarkable in a twinset and khakis. Dressing for Saturday Night at Sunset and La Brea turning tricks... wrong place wrong time.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Hi Amy

What if we juxtapose our repulsion with public fetish against many people's repulsion at observing, say, someone with severe facial deformities. How does that repulsion differ? Does it?

Should it ? I don't disagree with you but this question did come to mind.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

When I watched the new Doctor Who special, which featured an adult male playing dressup as a female teen, I felt this same revulsion. And writing this fetish, this paraphilia, into the main plotline of the story only revolted me more.

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The problem is that I can’t tell by looking at someone what their motivation for dressing and looking a certain way is. I wouldn’t want to go back to a world where women are required to wear constricting and limiting dresses. We’ve come a long way in the past 100 years or so. But there hasn’t been a similar expansion of what’s considered socially acceptable for men to wear. Yes, some men are acting out their sexual fantasies in public by dressing as women. But other men may be gay, or gender nonconforming in other ways, or be the former little boy who was bullied for liking pink sparkly things, or who just never felt they fit into the constricting gender roles that were expected of them. And how can I tell the difference?

I agree with you that paraphilias are creepy. I will keep my distance from anyone I get that vibe from. But I don’t think we can actually police gender nonconforming dress or behaviors, because we can’t read people’s minds. And it doesn’t make sense to impose a strict dress code only based on societal convention on males, who wouldn’t like it any more than females would.

So I arrive back at believing people have the right to dress and present themselves however they want, as long as they are honest about what they are. However, I also have the right to avoid people who give me the creeps.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

Gag - a piece of cloth put in or over a person's mouth to prevent them from speaking.

Gag - a joke or a funny story, especially one told by a professional comedian.

Gag - to gag - to prevent a person or organization from talking or writing about a particular subject

Gag - sudden uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the throat and stomach that makes you feel like you are going to vomit

gag/gagging - is also a verb used to mean to be very eager to do something - ie gagging for a pint of beer or sex -

gag reflex - the gag reflex is an attempt to prevent a person from choking or swallowing something potentially dangerous

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You know, I genuinely appreciate your honesty. Most GCers are too cowardly to admit that they think trans women are near-universally depraved sexual deviants who should either go back into the closet or be purged from public life (probably because, on some level, they realize (correctly) that it makes them sound like the villains in Saturday morning cartoon), but not you. You've got the integrity to stand up and say, these people gross me out and therefore they shouldn't be allowed in public, no matter how much of a weirdo fascist it makes you sound.

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I recently visited the BioSphere in Montreal. The place was teaming with children of all ages on happy school outings. A young man ( not with any group) dressed in “puppy fetish gear” and his “handler” engaged playfully with the children. Yikes my spider senses were up but the groups chaperons did not seem to see the danger. The danger not being violent or malevolent in this case but it was in the fact that it normalized this fetish behaviour there by creating a child safe guarding or self guarding issue. This is grooming. Had we publicly shamed him the message to kids would be to be wary of these individuals. If you see smoke assume a fire so to speak.

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This is just petite bourgeoisie fascism

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