Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

"Girls cease to be human beings for these boys because girls are simply a collection of parts that can be purchased, put on, and owned."

Yes. No surprise that this is all happening in parallel with the reduction of Women to "vulva owners", "people with uteruses" and so on, not to mention the depersonalization of surrogate Mothers.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Amy, this is fabulous much-needed article! Thank you! Everyone, watch my substack caroldansereau.substack.com for my imminent postings about what we presented to the Seattle School Board last night. And about their outrageous manipulative reactions before and after we spoke. Being compared by the School Board President to the racists who came to "hate on" Ruby Bridges is a new low. Also, check out my article The Anti-Science Disaster of Gender Ideology in Our Schools to see what's being taught in schools across the U.S., the emotional manipulation employed, and more. Here's the link to that: https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/the-anti-science-disaster-of-gender

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Wow. Best analysis I've read on this to date.

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

This is how "The Oregonian," Oregon's major newspaper, covered the matter of the assailant's gender in its reporting of the assault at Hazelbrook Middle School:


The video of the assault exploded on social media this week after being picked up by right-wing commentators, who concluded based on clothing and appearance in the video – but without confirmation – that the perpetrator is transgender.

The video was shared on social media by former competitive swimmer Riley Gaines, who has campaigned against the participation of transgender women in women’s sports. The post on X, formerly known as Twitter, has been viewed more than 10 million times.

The Oregonian/OregonLive reported Thursday on the assault and viral video.

Under federal privacy laws, the school district cannot comment on a student’s gender identity, [Tigard-Tualatin School District spokeswoman Traci] Rose said. https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2023/09/portland-area-middle-school-evacuated-after-bomb-shooting-threats-sparked-by-hallway-assault-video.html


Is it true that critics of trans excesses "concluded based on clothing and appearance in the video – but without confirmation – that the perpetrator is transgender"? Are there reliable sources that establish the boy does in fact call himself a "trans girl"?

This is relevant, because "The Oregonian," reporting from the front line of the gender identity culture war, is presenting this incident as a baseless assault on a public school by violent transphobes. The newspaper slammed the door on the other possible narrative, which is that the Hazelbook Middle School was the site of a vicious assault by a trans girl - a repeat offender at that - on a fellow student.

There is considerable hypocrisy in The Oregonian's approach to the story. As long as "trans kids" are sympathetic figures or victims, activist journalists outdo themselves in presenting them and their stories in heartwarming (and sometimes heartbreaking) detail. However, the moment there's a suggestion that a trans youth has committed a serious offense, the paper summarily waves away the allegation without making any effort of its own to confirm it.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

I'm a retired newspaper journalist, and wholly agree that uncritical media cheerleading for the trans cause, from The Associated Press and The New York Times on down, is a serious abrogation of journalistic duty. I suggest UnHerd in the UK and Quillette in Australia for more thoughtful reporting on this and other issues.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

A clear-sighted and thorough analysis throughout. Well done!

"Sex recognition is a primal animal instinct that is engrained in all animals ..." You rightly hammer home the centrality of embodied existence for humans, no less than other mammals. It's easy to see speciesism in gender ideology, a supreme and delusional arrogance that, in its concepts, the human brain -- as powerfully destructive as constructive -- should trump material reality. Yet, the further physically healthy humans get from embodied existence, the more mentally ill they are apt to become. We are not gods.

The violence of these boys is deeply upsetting. I hope they have been expelled, and given a stint in male juvie lock-up. Being the victim rather than the perpetrator of male violence may do more to curb future aggression toward females than anything else.

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

The reductionism to parts is exactly where the "sex spectrum" magic mumbo-jumbo pseudoscience happens. Do not enter the wizard circle, do not use the magic words.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

It was difficult to hear this woman but was she saying they will be dealing with the "hate" from this girl??????They sure as hell won't do anything about the pretender, they never do. I'm sick to my stomach tired of this shit!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

See this just-posted article by me, one of the people presenting the Demand to the Seattle School Board. Article includes links to our Demand and appendices which I believe will be of much use to people working on these issues: https://open.substack.com/pub/caroldansereau/p/seattle-activists-submit-formal-demand?r=7a0b8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

This an excellent read.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

"Socially transitioning a child does not set them up for success as their natal self, but prepares them for failure as a sex they can never achieve." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/follow-the-yellow-brick-road

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Yeah, I wrote about this too. The school system is a breeding ground for abuse and is traumatizing children these days.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

A brilliant summation of the modern cult preaching male entitlement to dominate women with violence if necessary. Humans have been preaching this message, via one or other religious cult, for thousands of years. The strongest women, and a few male allies, have been pushing back against the harms of this message for that long, but the weak, who find their strength in numbers, outnumber the strong by many thousands to one. Either the strong win or we all lose. Modern Afghanistan shows us what humanity losing looks like.

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I've liked your comment on the basis of interpreting 'strong' as meaning 'brave'?

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Yes, bravery is an essential part of the strength it takes for a woman (or man) to speak up against male entitlement and misogyny in the face of so much opposition.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

This is excelllent! Thank you!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

1. Boys aren’t girls and sane people have no reason to participate in or perpetuate the lie.

2. The thug attacking this girl from behind needs the shit beaten out of him by her dad

3. That other students didn’t wade-in and destroy the attacker then & there is shameful

4. This transidiocy only can continue as long as women continue being ridiculously empathetic to these losers; the trans-cult is born of the female vote and will continue as long as women bloc-vote D

5. At the end of the day, all these trannies & their parents are D voters removing themselves and their futures from the voting booth via self-sterilization. Their choice. Not my problem. Good riddance.

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Countering their violence with violence is never the answer and anyway it just plays into their hands. You can guarantee that any trans identified person with so much as a small scratch or bruise will be plastered all over the MSM as proof of the scale of hate crimes, transphobia etc.

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The whole don’t counter violence with violence is one of the foundational memes of empathetic feminists lacking any understanding of human behavior or history. All major issues between peoples have been solved only by violence. American Revolution, slavery, imperial Japan, NAZI Germans, etc.

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Your reaction is the provocation's real goal. The Trans Activists have been escalating provocations with increasingly absurd demands for inclusion in women's sports, increasingly vulgar books in school libraries, increasingly sexualized "Family Friendly" drag events, etc. They want you to get angry and behave with violence. They want a victim/ martyr like George Floyd was for BLM. Don't give it to them.

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No worries. But there are two issues here and you’re addressing only one. That girl’s academics, confidence, future all will suffer because of that asshole. That’s what people ought to be concerned with. And they aren’t. I grad HS in 72 in Pasadena, CA, the era of race riots. We had none. Why? The big guys (most of our (CA-AAAA CIF champ) football team got D1 scholarships. Several played NFL) didn’t put up with it. If anything stupid started - they ended it. So nothing started by about mid-Sep cuz everyone knew it wouldn’t be put-up with.

I couldn’t care less about trannies. They are non-reproducing parasites on natural resources and the body politic. As far as I am concerned, trannies are like the abortion lobby: they are removing their kids, themselves, and their children from the voting booth. Not my problem. They’ll evolve themselves outta here sooner or later. Good riddance.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

This is an excellent essay. One nitpick: you wrote that “we do know that schools in Oregon aggressively push gender identity ideology to their students” and then added that “at the Seattle Public School board meeting, for example…”

I know you know Seattle is in Washington State. I agree that Seattle’s policies are in line with Oregon’s (though I do wonder about schools outside the Seattle metro area). And since both states are designated the Pacific Northwest, they are often lumped together. However, using a Washington state school to exemplify Oregon’s policies is a loose end in an otherwise tightly constructed argument.

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Thanks, I used it as an example because I just went to that meeting which was on the same day as the initial events took place at the Oregon school. I found it deeply related. I changed the wording of the OP to better reflect that these policies are in most states. "...in Oregon, like many other states in the US, are aggressively push gender identity ideology to their students, giving boys the right to violate girls' bathrooms, locker rooms, & sports. Teachers, school board members, and curriculum use all kinds of hyperbole to enflame already reactive students. An example of the kind of inflammatory statements that students hear can be seen in the recent Seattle Public School board meeting."

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Thank you. I don’t generally nitpick; pointing it out was less criticism of you than fearing a detractor would use this loose end to fabricate a gotcha question

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

And Seattle and Oregon are definitely on the same wavelength!

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The craziness going on in schools today is beyond a sane persons understanding. Just recently a school in Toronto had introduced unisex washrooms with stalls in a elementary/middle school. What happened, boys kicking open stall doors while girls were inside, boys exposing themselves to younger girls in washrooms, and girls being extremely uncomfortable having to deal with menstrual functions, like changing tampons or pads. Parent complained, and some who did remained anonymous for fear of repercussions. It is insane. As for trans 'girls' attacking and assaulting biological girls, I see it this way. These are boys -- regardless of how they identify or dress -- and they are acting like teenage boys, with testosterone coursing through their bodies-regardless of whether they are on cross-hormone therapy. They are teenage boys likely other comorbidities that causing them to act out in the way they are. Yet no one seems to recognize this. They need help rather than this affirmation nonsense. There is little doubt that when someone beats a girl they way he did he has a problem. Or when someone exposes himself in a girls locker room and then spits on girls he has a problem, a metal problem that has little to do with gender dysphoria, but rather some underlying mental health issue.

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